Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Year in Photos.

It's so hard to go through a years worth of photos
and pick a few favorites. Some I love because they
are visually pleasing, others remind me of people
and places that make me happy, and of course there
is the food.

Franklin Fountain. (On one of my/our many trips down
to Philly to hang with family and friends-always a good time)

2 Fine Ladies European Extravaganza: Part 3, Berlin

Pastries from Bacca in Berlin

Berliner Dom a la Diana

favorite U-Bahn stop


Our first trip to Chinatown

If the bf had an album cover, this would be it.

Maria on the Boardwalk

After Carly's Senior Show

Joeliepalooza 2

Champagne Birthday (one of the best)


Pork Buns in Flushing

Family Vacation in Florida. so much fun.


Nan's Harry Potter inspired pumpkin.

Portrait of an old man.

Holiday Party at work. (These are even more fun when you
work with your friends)

Em, Joelie, and Grammy waving to Santa on the firetruck

Nicklas and Joelie on Christmas Eve

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Looks like a splendid year!