My favorite day of the week.
I had intended to write this
earlier in the day.
and that just didn't happen.
So here i am.
Technically on early Monday
posting my favs.
This week I picked a few cards
that i loved.
Here we go!
First we have a set of cards from pigeonprints.
Like any traveler, I am fond of and familiar with maps.
They are a nice change from the cheesy postcard.
7$ for a set of 4.
Also check of the rest of the store for
pretty prints, photos, paintings, and etchings.

I absolutely adore this next card.
It makes me nostalgic for a time
in Paris, that I never experienced.
Hard to explain.
But Rochelle31 has some beautiful
paintings and prints in her store.
I'd rather spend 4$ on a card like this
than for a mass produced card.

Finally, we have the Pretty Bird
(Pterodactyl Notecards) from
AmberAlexander's store.
For a mere 8$ you get 5 blank
notecards with envelopes.
And a fabulous fossil watercolor
that any true dino lover will adore.

Loooove the dinosaur!
Those cards are great!
Also, I love the title of your blog!
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